Welcome party 2011 
Welcome party on May 13th. Seven newcomers have joined us. (The Japanese school year starts in April.)

5月13日 ひと月遅れながら、今年度の新人歓迎会が催されました。震災後にもかかわらず、7名ものメンバーが加入しました。

Author's comments (Yosuke Hirotsu)  
Nrf2 degron-fused reporter system: a new tool for specific evaluation of Nrf2 inducers. (Genes Cells. 16:406-415)
“We established a new assay system that detects Nrf2 protein stability. This assay system will enable us to perform highly efficient and specific screening of Nrf2 inducers. “

Toward the recovery from the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami (Message from the Dean in English)


緊急災害対策 医学系研究科長メッセージ

Author's comments (Takafumi Suzuki) 
Select heterozygous Keap1 mutations have a dominant-negative effect on wild-type Keap1 in vivo. (Cancer Res. 71:1700-1709)

"This article indicates that a single-hit mutation in the KEAP1 gene is sufficient to generate a selective advantage in growth of tumor cells."

Before the disaster (March 9th) 
Just before the disaster, Prof Yamamoto was earned the Leading Edge Award from the Society of Toxicology (SOT), and gave a memorial lecture on Keap1-Nrf2 system in Washington DC.

After the Earthquake (1)  
As you know, March 11, 2011, we suffered from the massive earthquake. Everything in the shelves dropped off, a lot of precious samples were scattered and lost, treasure equipments were damaged,

After the Earthquake (2) 
and important documents either fell down in the professor’s office…

Was he under the documents?

After the Earthquake (3) 
He safely revived from there!
(In fact, he was out of the office just at that moment. But, he is still pressed with invisible documents, paper drafts, grant applications, and so on.)

Fortunately, we all are safe after the disaster as well as our families/relatives, and our research facilities are remarkably recovering in the same place.

We would really appreciate all of your heartwarming messages and great supports, which give us courage a lot.

2011年3月1日 山本教授 東レ科学技術賞 受賞  

2011年3月1日 山本教授 北米トキシコロジー学会 基礎科学賞 受賞 
山本教授が北米トキシコロジー学会から“Leading Edge in Basic Science”賞(最先端の基礎科学賞/非会員に対して贈る最高賞)をアジアの研究者としては初めて授与されました。

2011年2月2日 鈴木隆史先生帰任 

2011年1月17日 鈴木教郎先生着任 

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