Publications 2018 
 Original Paper
5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) deficiency causes impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance coincident with an attenuation of mitochondrial function in aged mice. 
Saitoh S, Okano S, Nohara H, Nakano H, Shirasawa N, Naito A, Yamamoto M, Kelly VP, Takahashi K, Tanaka T, Nakajima M, Nakajima O.
PLoS One.   13, e0189593  (2018)
Quantitative analysis of UV photolesions suggests that cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers produced in mouse skin by UVB are more mutagenic than those produced by UVC. 
Ikehata H, Mori T, Douki T, Cadet J, Yamamoto M.
Photochem Photobiol Sci.   17, 404-413  (2018)
Hyperactivation of Nrf2 leads to hypoplasia of bone in vivo. 
Yoshida E, Suzuki T, Morita M, Taguchi K, Tsuchida K, Motohashi H, Doita M, Yamamoto M.
Genes Cells.   23, 386-392  (2018)
Genetic inactivation of Nrf2 prevents clonal expansion of initiated cells in a nutritional model of rat hepatocarcinogenesis. 
Orrù C, Szydlowska M, Taguchi K, Zavattari P, Perra A, Yamamoto M, Columbano A.
J Hepatol.   69, 635-643  (2018)
C151 in KEAP1 is the main cysteine sensor for the cyanoenone class of NRF2 activators, irrespective of molecular size or shape. 
Dayalan Naidu S, Muramatsu A, Saito R, Asami S, Honda T, Hosoya T, Itoh K, Yamamoto M, Suzuki T, Dinkova-Kostova AT.
Sci Rep.   8, 8037  (2018)
Nrf2 deficiency promotes the progression from acute tubular damage to chronic renal fibrosis following unilateral ureteral obstruction. 
Kong W, Fu J, Liu N, Jiao C, Guo G, Luan J, Wang H, Yao L, Wang L, Yamamoto M, Pi J, Zhou H.
Nephrol Dial Transplant.   33, 771-783  (2018)
Nrf2 activation attenuates genetic endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by a mutation in the phosphomannomutase 2 gene in zebrafish. 
Mukaigasa K, Tsujita T, Nguyen VT, Li L, Yagi H, Fuse Y, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Kato K, Yamamoto M, Kobayashi M.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.   115, 2758-2763  (2018)
KEAP1 inhibition is neuroprotective and suppresses the development of epilepsy. 
Shekh-Ahmad T, Eckel R, Dayalan Naidu S, Higgins M, Yamamoto M, Dinkova-Kostova AT, Kovac S, Abramov AY, Walker MC.
Brain.   141, 1390-1403  (2018)
NFE2-Related Transcription Factor 2 Coordinates Antioxidant Defense with Thyroglobulin Production and Iodination in the Thyroid Gland. 
Ziros PG, Habeos IG, Chartoumpekis DV, Ntalampyra E, Somm E, Renaud CO, Bongiovanni M, Trougakos IP, Yamamoto M, Kensler TW, Santisteban P, Carrasco N, Ris-Stalpers C, Amendola E, Liao XH, Rossich L, Thomasz L, Juvenal GJ, Refetoff S, Sykiotis GP.
Thyroid.   28, 780-798  (2018)
Palmitate deranges erythropoietin production via transcription factor ATF4 activation of unfolded protein response. 
Anusornvongchai T, Nangaku M, Jao TM, Wu CH, Ishimoto Y, Maekawa H, Tanaka T, Shimizu A, Yamamoto M, Suzuki N, Sassa R, Inagi R.
Kidney Int.   94, 536-550  (2018)
Macrophages Switch Their Phenotype by Regulating Maf Expression during Different Phases of Inflammation. 
Kikuchi K, Iida M, Ikeda N, Moriyama S, Hamada M, Takahashi S, Kitamura H, Watanabe T, Hasegawa Y, Hase K, Fukuhara T, Sato H, Kobayashi EH, Suzuki T, Yamamoto M, Tanaka M, Asano K.
J Immunol.   201, 635-651  (2018)
Adipocyte-specific deficiency of Nfe2l1 disrupts plasticity of white adipose tissues and metabolic homeostasis in mice. 
Hou Y, Liu Z, Zuo Z, Gao T, Fu J, Wang H, Xu Y, Liu D, Yamamoto M, Zhu B, Zhang Y, Andersen ME, Zhang Q, Pi J.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun.    503, 264-270  (2018)
Deficiency in the transcription factor NRF2 worsens inflammatory parameters in a mouse model with combined tauopathy and amyloidopathy. 
Rojo AI, Pajares M, García-Yagüe AJ, Buendia I, Van Leuven F, Yamamoto M, López MG, Cuadrado A.
Redox Biol.   18, 173-180  (2018)
A Gata3 3' Distal Otic Vesicle Enhancer Directs Inner Ear-Specific Gata3 Expression. 
Moriguchi T, Hoshino T, Rao A, Yu L, Takai J, Uemura S, Ise K, Nakamura Y, Lim KC, Shimizu R, Yamamoto M, Engel JD.
Mol Cell Biol.   38, pii: e00302-18  (2018)
Iron attenuates erythropoietin production by decreasing hypoxia-inducible transcription factor 2α concentrations in renal interstitial fibroblasts. 
Suzuki N, Matsuo-Tezuka Y, Sasaki Y, Sato K, Miyauchi K, Kato K, Saito S, Shimonaka Y, Hirata M, Yamamoto M.
Kidney Int.    94, 900-911  (2018)
NRF2 mitigates acute alcohol-induced hepatic and pancreatic injury in mice. 
Sun J, Fu J, Zhong Y, Li L, Chen C, Wang X, Wang L, Hou Y, Wang H, Zhao R, Zhang X, Yamamoto M, Xu Y, Pi J.
Food Chem Toxicol.    121, 495-503  (2018)
Sulforaphane ameliorates steroid insensitivity through an Nrf2-dependent pathway in cigarette smoke-exposed asthmatic mice. 
Sakurai H, Morishima Y, Ishii Y, Yoshida K, Nakajima M, Tsunoda Y, Hayashi SY, Kiwamoto T, Matsuno Y, Kawaguchi M, Yamamoto M, Hizawa N.
Free Radic Biol Med.    129, 473-485  (2018)
Structural instability of IκB kinase β promotes autophagic degradation through enhancement of Keap1 binding. 
Kanamoto M, Tsuchiya Y, Nakao Y, Suzuki T, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Kamata H.
PLoS One.   13, e020397  (2018)

The KEAP1-NRF2 System: a Thiol-Based Sensor-Effector Apparatus for Maintaining Redox Homeostasis. 
Yamamoto M, Kensler TW, Motohashi H.
Physiol Rev.   98, 1169-1203  (2018)
Roles of the KEAP1-NRF2 system in mammalian skin exposed to UV radiation. 
Ikehata H, Yamamoto M.
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.   360, 69-77  (2018)
An Overview of the Advantages of KEAP1-NRF2 System Activation During Inflammatory Disease Treatment 
Keleku-Lukwete N, Suzuki M, Yamamoto M
Antioxid Redox Signal   29, 1746-1755  (2018)

 日本語著書 (Publications in Japanese)
宇留野 晃
Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society   90, 103-106  (2018)
